The Path

"Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment; Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength"
Lao Tzu

"Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light but making the darkness conscious.”
Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Insanity of: The Metro

So in a world exclusive the Metro have the pleasure of introducing us to the true killers of “Baby P”. Let’s just take a look at this objectively. On page one we have three very large pictures of each of their faces along with a long 400 word preamble into what they did to “Baby P” (Now Known as Peter Connelly) as well as the other crimes they had committed. This is the media’s wonderful way of inundating us with useless information we never needed to hear.

Writing up the wrap sheet they talk about the crimes of the killers previous and read it off like the blurb at the back of a pornography magazine, or a four page spread on Pamela Lee. As the media ban on the group has been lifted, we see something else emerging on page 5 of the metro, and I quote “Public ‘will pay to protect Peter’s Killers.’” Hello? What? The PUBLIC will pay to protect baby P’s killers?

Was it the public who revealed Baby P’s killers names? No. Did the public benefit from knowing the names and previous wrap sheets of the killers? No. Did it sell papers to tell the public the names of the killers? Yes.

Death sells. Make the Murdoch group pay for the new identities out of the several millions they will have made flashing the names everywhere. Revealing the names simply cost the public the millions it will take to hide the names again…so why aren’t we billing the media?

On to other insanity, let’s look at the insane headlines in the Metro to find out what the agenda is…

Baby P: The full evil of his killers

Front page spread, basically pornography posing as news, full frontal shots of all the killers to say “look how much like your next door neighbour they are!” Be scared, followed by long wrap sheet of every little facet of their insignificant lives.

As far as I’m concerned, the Baby P killers should be labouring in prison for life making babygrows for middle eastern countries or something, but the last thing I need to do is read about them while having my morning coffee at the cost of several million.

We’re Rover The Moon

Sports, filler, pointless. Sport is just another way to put people in competition with each other to further divide us.

Home digest section

The home digest section is a section in the metro of short 50 word articles made to scare us further, if you don’t believe me, let’s look at every headline.

Nurse Struck off for prisoner sex
Be scared of nurses!
Alcohol Boosts oral cancer rates
As does smoking, bad diet, sexually transmitted human papillomavirus, stabbing someone in the mouth, oral sex, eating hot food, drinking hot drinks and putting ANY foreign body in the mouth.

War Criminals Loophole Call

Article starts off with “TOO little is being done to close legal loopholes which make Britain ‘a safe haven for evil’, MP’s and peers warn!” Yeah, they’re right, Brown, Blair, Major, Thatcher, all war criminals.

Sambuca Burn Tourist In Fear

Sambuca is Flammable, be scared!


Father hacked to death at Pub!

More to be scared of. So the home digest section is just a selection of stories about how scared we should be in this country, let’s look at the other stories on page four.

MI6: We are not involved in torturing

But we already know they changed the words using magic and manipulation so things like “Water boarding”, “Pulling our fingernails” and “Marching people around like dogs” were reclassified as not being torture. So no, now they’ve changed the definition of the word torture, they don’t torture.

Blears’ Car is Attacked

In Full:

Ex cabinet minister Hazel Blears blamed “Bored Kids” for an attack on her car. The MP, Caught up in the expenses scandal said ‘This is what people in my constituency have to put up with’. …


That’s like owning a house, having your kids smash your windows and then telling people “it’s something you have to put up with living in this house!” as if someone else is supposed to do something about it.

Page 7

Tamiflu Harm ‘Outweighs the benefits for children’

Be scared of tamiflu, there really is no cure to this godawful pandemic that is leaving people dying in the streets. To get more information on the flu go to ,that’s if you can manage to avoid keeling over and dying before then.


Picture of a fat woman, article describing how she died in an operation to make her slimmer.

Online Bullies Made me go Under knife!

“A beauty queen had plastic surgery after being bullied on facebook”...I didn’t think I’d ever say something so vapid on these pages. That is a level of shallowness that could almost be confused for depth.

Texting makes the young ‘Impulsive’

I thought being young made the young impulsive, but anyway be scared of the young!

Bee venom “stings cancers to death”

Nano Bees fly through the bloodstream and sting tumors to death are apparently effective on deadly cancers.” So is ripping the damn cancer out with a scalpel. This seems like pie in the sky rhetoric made to make us much more willing to have injections.

Tiny Bees…Stinging Tumours to death.

I could go on all day….so I will, all of these headlines are designed to keep us scared, If you don’t believe me, I’m just going to go through each headline now, there’s no need to look at all of them.

Burglars offered victims champers
Vagrants who earn £73,000 beggar belief

Pro war propaganda Page (Page 9)
‘Mental Fight’ of guard accused of iraq killings
Eta Bombs Planted by a woman
Just a quick one, they didn’t know what sex the planter was, but they knew which organisation planted them?!
Cathedral funeral for fallen bomb expert
Brave soldiers final act

Pages 10 & 11 = lifestyle and cooking

Page 12

Iraqi Bomb attacks leave trail of dead
Nine Killed by 80mph typhoon
Rioters Fight Police after teenager dies
Setback for talks on Kurdish peace
Islamists rip out ‘unholy’ Fillings (Ridiculing Muslims)

And then, page 14….Celebrity and telly until the end of the paper.

So wait, that’s it? A newspaper with only 11 pages of “news”, only 25 stories, and each one of them just there to keep us scared, Each page has at least two adverts on it. And every page after that is advertising telly, movies, video’s, food, corporations stocks and shares or sport.

What the hell happened to us? Seriously, are we this blind to it all that we don’t realise this makes no sense? Every single story tells us to be scared of something, and is surrounded by adverts to consume mobile phones, home delivery, simcards, subway, Debenhams, clothes sales, as infinitum.

Be scared, consume more. I would have mentioned the web culture section but to be honest it manages to boil down the greatest, most diverse hive of information man has ever created (the Internet) into a video of an astronaut rollerskating across a golf course.

This is making you stupid. This is making us all stupid. It is Mind rot.

Peace, Love, Empathy



  1. Hi Rich, I have the very same copy of the Metro here, what a load of rubbish. And who is the target audience? Everyone who uses public transport. They soak this shite up every day for free & think they are being informed about real issues!

    Good write-up, thanks!



  2. Thanks for your support Darren. Yeah, the metro every day gets more and more absurd, it is nothing but fear, fear and more fear. The thing that amazes me is that I find myself able to point out to people now which newspaper they've got their "opinions" from. It's quite scary actually.



