The Path

"Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment; Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength"
Lao Tzu

"Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light but making the darkness conscious.”
Carl Gustav Jung

Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's been a while since I've posted, just wanted to offer you all a link to my youtube channel.

Peace, Love, Empathy,


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Insanity of: The Metro

So in a world exclusive the Metro have the pleasure of introducing us to the true killers of “Baby P”. Let’s just take a look at this objectively. On page one we have three very large pictures of each of their faces along with a long 400 word preamble into what they did to “Baby P” (Now Known as Peter Connelly) as well as the other crimes they had committed. This is the media’s wonderful way of inundating us with useless information we never needed to hear.

Writing up the wrap sheet they talk about the crimes of the killers previous and read it off like the blurb at the back of a pornography magazine, or a four page spread on Pamela Lee. As the media ban on the group has been lifted, we see something else emerging on page 5 of the metro, and I quote “Public ‘will pay to protect Peter’s Killers.’” Hello? What? The PUBLIC will pay to protect baby P’s killers?

Was it the public who revealed Baby P’s killers names? No. Did the public benefit from knowing the names and previous wrap sheets of the killers? No. Did it sell papers to tell the public the names of the killers? Yes.

Death sells. Make the Murdoch group pay for the new identities out of the several millions they will have made flashing the names everywhere. Revealing the names simply cost the public the millions it will take to hide the names again…so why aren’t we billing the media?

On to other insanity, let’s look at the insane headlines in the Metro to find out what the agenda is…

Baby P: The full evil of his killers

Front page spread, basically pornography posing as news, full frontal shots of all the killers to say “look how much like your next door neighbour they are!” Be scared, followed by long wrap sheet of every little facet of their insignificant lives.

As far as I’m concerned, the Baby P killers should be labouring in prison for life making babygrows for middle eastern countries or something, but the last thing I need to do is read about them while having my morning coffee at the cost of several million.

We’re Rover The Moon

Sports, filler, pointless. Sport is just another way to put people in competition with each other to further divide us.

Home digest section

The home digest section is a section in the metro of short 50 word articles made to scare us further, if you don’t believe me, let’s look at every headline.

Nurse Struck off for prisoner sex
Be scared of nurses!
Alcohol Boosts oral cancer rates
As does smoking, bad diet, sexually transmitted human papillomavirus, stabbing someone in the mouth, oral sex, eating hot food, drinking hot drinks and putting ANY foreign body in the mouth.

War Criminals Loophole Call

Article starts off with “TOO little is being done to close legal loopholes which make Britain ‘a safe haven for evil’, MP’s and peers warn!” Yeah, they’re right, Brown, Blair, Major, Thatcher, all war criminals.

Sambuca Burn Tourist In Fear

Sambuca is Flammable, be scared!


Father hacked to death at Pub!

More to be scared of. So the home digest section is just a selection of stories about how scared we should be in this country, let’s look at the other stories on page four.

MI6: We are not involved in torturing

But we already know they changed the words using magic and manipulation so things like “Water boarding”, “Pulling our fingernails” and “Marching people around like dogs” were reclassified as not being torture. So no, now they’ve changed the definition of the word torture, they don’t torture.

Blears’ Car is Attacked

In Full:

Ex cabinet minister Hazel Blears blamed “Bored Kids” for an attack on her car. The MP, Caught up in the expenses scandal said ‘This is what people in my constituency have to put up with’. …


That’s like owning a house, having your kids smash your windows and then telling people “it’s something you have to put up with living in this house!” as if someone else is supposed to do something about it.

Page 7

Tamiflu Harm ‘Outweighs the benefits for children’

Be scared of tamiflu, there really is no cure to this godawful pandemic that is leaving people dying in the streets. To get more information on the flu go to ,that’s if you can manage to avoid keeling over and dying before then.


Picture of a fat woman, article describing how she died in an operation to make her slimmer.

Online Bullies Made me go Under knife!

“A beauty queen had plastic surgery after being bullied on facebook”...I didn’t think I’d ever say something so vapid on these pages. That is a level of shallowness that could almost be confused for depth.

Texting makes the young ‘Impulsive’

I thought being young made the young impulsive, but anyway be scared of the young!

Bee venom “stings cancers to death”

Nano Bees fly through the bloodstream and sting tumors to death are apparently effective on deadly cancers.” So is ripping the damn cancer out with a scalpel. This seems like pie in the sky rhetoric made to make us much more willing to have injections.

Tiny Bees…Stinging Tumours to death.

I could go on all day….so I will, all of these headlines are designed to keep us scared, If you don’t believe me, I’m just going to go through each headline now, there’s no need to look at all of them.

Burglars offered victims champers
Vagrants who earn £73,000 beggar belief

Pro war propaganda Page (Page 9)
‘Mental Fight’ of guard accused of iraq killings
Eta Bombs Planted by a woman
Just a quick one, they didn’t know what sex the planter was, but they knew which organisation planted them?!
Cathedral funeral for fallen bomb expert
Brave soldiers final act

Pages 10 & 11 = lifestyle and cooking

Page 12

Iraqi Bomb attacks leave trail of dead
Nine Killed by 80mph typhoon
Rioters Fight Police after teenager dies
Setback for talks on Kurdish peace
Islamists rip out ‘unholy’ Fillings (Ridiculing Muslims)

And then, page 14….Celebrity and telly until the end of the paper.

So wait, that’s it? A newspaper with only 11 pages of “news”, only 25 stories, and each one of them just there to keep us scared, Each page has at least two adverts on it. And every page after that is advertising telly, movies, video’s, food, corporations stocks and shares or sport.

What the hell happened to us? Seriously, are we this blind to it all that we don’t realise this makes no sense? Every single story tells us to be scared of something, and is surrounded by adverts to consume mobile phones, home delivery, simcards, subway, Debenhams, clothes sales, as infinitum.

Be scared, consume more. I would have mentioned the web culture section but to be honest it manages to boil down the greatest, most diverse hive of information man has ever created (the Internet) into a video of an astronaut rollerskating across a golf course.

This is making you stupid. This is making us all stupid. It is Mind rot.

Peace, Love, Empathy


Monday, August 10, 2009

Vlogging & Link of the Week

I will be looking to Vlog (Video Blog) fairly soon with some simplified, more linear conveyances of my thoughts in bite size, 5-10 minute chunks as this is the most regular request from this blog. The only thing causing me any problem regarding this is my phones rather good camera being hindered by a rather rubbish button that came off and now refuses to record.

As this kind of frustration seems trivial to me but with what is occurring at the moment I'm just gonna work it out and deal with it.

Now let's talk about the Paths (links) once again. As you'll notice I have several links to the right of various places that add little snippets of information and relief to this whole emasculated Draconian nightmare world we call "earth".

The first Link I'm going to draw your attention to is "Principia Discordia". This is book of Koans, a collection of ideas with bizzare juxtapositions put into a modern context and create a mental map that shows the absurdity of modern life and allows a quick hit of Zen clarity.

The book was written at a time unknown, most likely late 1950's/early 1960's by a right honourable gentleman known as Malaclypse the Younger. It was circulated in printed form and so created the discordian religion, one that establishes the rule of chaos and requires us to embrace the Erisian nature of life.

The key point to all this is to remember that if we treat it like a game, then it becomes a game, and all of life is game like and as a result less....crap. I'd much rather be playing a game than struggling every day. And in between the police sewing circles, the rule of fives and the thick Fnord laden fog we find a rather logical, enlightened approach to life. This is the right brain speaking to the soul, and skipping back to this book will always allow a moment of clarity.

The other Link I'd like to draw our attention to is Pablove. I'd first of all like to go into why I chose Pablove over an associated entity like Nine Inch Nails.

Pablove was started in aid of the son of a Roadie for Internationally Renowned Smug Bastards Nine Inch Nails. Although I value Nine Inch Nail's music, and their philosophy, along with them creating some of the greatest esoteric masterpieces to ever break out of mainstream music, Trent Reznor (The Front Man) has increasingly become caught in his own little "Holier than Thou" shit storm where he's been lowering himself to the level of his fans and abusing them personally through twitter and myspace.

The culmination of this ego trip was a fantastically flat gig at this years Sonisphere festival in Knebworth, England, where he wandered on stage, played all his most self indulgent soft songs at the countries biggest metal festival, left after 25 minutes and insulted the band who were headlining.

It's not your place Reznor, I hate them as much as you do, get your head out of your ass and stop insulting their fans, the band in question have done enough of that.

Knowing personally several hardcore NIN fans who payed in some cases through the ass to see what will probably be his last gig ever in this country; I've heard several people say they have never been so ashamed of Trents Conduct in all his life. The jock rock persona is worse than his "dying cocaine/heroin addict" persona who took five years per album in that he's now pumping out track after mediocre track while telling everyone how wonderful he is.

I thought I'd bypass NIN and the associated shitstorm as I'm not really a music blog anyway.

However one set of goodness that obviously bypassed Trents ego vacuum was Pablove, an amazingly charming blog about a young boy Pablo Castelaz, who was diagnosed with bilateral Wilms' Tumor, a rare form of children's cancer. His loving family kept up the foundation, and the blog throughout Pablo's short life on this earth and their stories of sticking together through the most terrible hardships is a great testament to the human condition when applied correctly, and I thought rather than the doom and gloom, and the dry philosophy channeling through my other links, I'd just throw that one in there.

And yes it's sad, and yes it's upsetting, but it's also full of life and love, so sounds closer to the human element of the reader than most things we see and hear today. The blog is a tale of how with love and closeness, one families worst nightmare can turn into a dreamlike lifestyle where everyday is an adventure.

Now I've made the majority of my audience puke with my sentimentality I guess there's little else to say except,

Peace, Love, Empathy


Notice of Understanding

Making your Property Common Law Jurisdiction for 14 days.

Sorry no blog post in a while. We’ve recently had a friend come and stay with us, he’s a nice guy however is currently running from a recall to prison on a statutory charge which quite frankly is a trumped up statutory charge.

Here’s how a recall to prison actually works. Our man served his time, however if for instance he’s boating along on his boat or boat like apparatus, happily minding his own business and taking in the sweet smell of freedom on the Norfolk broads, and then a community support officer decides to board his boat, attack him, force him onto land and then charges him with “threatening behaviour”.

While our friend is awaiting a court date for this statutory charge under (what I think is) the public order act, the police then have the ability to knock on his door all hours of the day and night, and haul him on the nearest bus and force him back to prison without a trial…EVEN IF ON HIS COURT DATE HE IS FOUND INNOCENT/CASE DISMISSED.

Screw that, that isn’t fair, I don’t care if he’s in there for GBH, tax evasion or anything. That just plain old is not fair. So into his automocar he hopped on a voyage from the broads to Nottingham, and on Thursday I was greeted by him, his dog and his friend all stood around milling around my house.

I had a feeling he’d do that, so I decided to plan in advance and created a temporary NoUICoR (Notice of Understanding and Intent to Claim of Right) and stuck it on the thresholds of our rented flat. Here’s what it said; Let's see plod get around this!


This Notice Of Understanding And Intent to claim of right is active from ZERO HUNDRED HOURS on the morning of Friday the 07th day of the month of August in the year of our lord 2009 (07/08/09) Until ZERO HUNDRED HOURS on the morning of Friday the 21st day of the month of August in the year of our lord 2009 (21/08/09)

Whereas it is our understanding

We, Rich:Craig & Anthony:Xxxx, Sui juris, flesh and blood men and blessed living Soul serving God alone, do hereby state the following is a Statement of Truth

Whereas it is our understanding that the United Kingdom is a common law jurisdiction, and,

Whereas it is our understanding that equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,

Whereas it is our understanding that a statute is defined as legislated rule of a society which has been given the force of law, and,

Whereas it is our understanding that a society is defined as a number of people joined by mutual consent to deliberate, determine, and act for a common goal, and ,

Whereas it our my understanding that the only form of government recognised as lawful in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland is a representative one,

Whereas it is our understanding that representation requires mutual consent,

Whereas it is our understanding that in the absence of mutual consent neither representation nor governance can exist,

Whereas it is our understanding that all Acts are statutes restricted in scope and applicability by the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights,

Whereas it is our understanding that said scope and applicability is limited to members and employees of government,

Whereas it is our understanding that land cannot be owned by a human being but only by a person

Whereas it is our understanding that property is owned by a human being

Whereas it is our understanding in our possession is property we lawfully own or hold

Whereas it is our understanding that the act of registering the birth of a baby creates a legal entity called a “person” that exists in association with that baby and that the manner in which offspring are registered transfers superior guardianship rights over that offspring to the government and,

Whereas it is our understanding that this creation of a person and transfer of authority is not fully disclosed to the parents and if it was, all good parents would refuse to register their offspring and,

Whereas it is our understanding that aforementioned property contained past the threshold of the door upon which this notice is placed is property lawfully held by human beings and not people and,

Whereas it is our understanding that it is lawful to abandon ones person at any time and dissociate with it without reason to act within the laws and statutes of the society,

We therefore place the following conditions upon anyone entering this property:

This property is the property of The Lawful free, flesh and blood human beings known as Anthony:Xxxx and Rich:Craig

Upon crossing the threshold of this property with permission from the aforementioned property holders you are entering a common law jurisdiction and claim full liability and responsibility for any actions conducted within the four corners of this property,

You claim full liability and at no point represent or act on behalf of a person,

You agree that legal defence of “In Loco Parentis” does not apply as you are a sovereign human being and enter this property at your own free will,

You agree that you have no existing contracts to the best of your knowledge or court based liens upon your person by any third party corporate entity and identifying as a person claims limited liability and is there full null, void and invalid at all times,

You agree that this property contains only flesh and blood men and blessed living Soul serving God alone and acting upon the person or as a person is an unlawful activity,

The property holders Rich:Craig & Anthony:Xxxx accept no liability for actions conducted within the four corners within this property or by the “Person” of anyone within it’s walls,

Entrance to this property by those acting upon the human beings will require a warrant as defined within The Magna Carta 1215 Section [39] which states “[39] No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights and possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.”,

Any persons wishing to conduct business with a person they believe to be contained within the four corners beyond this threshold are compelled to be aware that no persons exist within the four corners beyond this threshold,

Any requests to speak to persons will be a violation of this notice and will be subject to the fee schedule below,

Furthermore, We claim the right to use a declaratory judgement, or statutory declaration or warrant, to secure payment of the aforementioned
FEE SCHEDULE OR BILL FOR ORDER ISSUED against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm us or our interests, directly or by proxy in any way.

Furthermore, we claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any police officers, government officials, principals or agents or justice system participants who, having been served notice of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission with the lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, we claim the law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is service upon both,

Furthermore, we claim the right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum using discussion and negotiation and to capture on video tape said discussion and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose as we see fit. Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein, or make their own counterclaims must respond appropriately upon service of notice of this action. Responses must be under Oath or attestation, upon full commercial liability and penalty of perjury, and delivered by recorded delivery during the active period.

Failure to register a dispute against the claims made herein will result in an automatic default judgement and permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute, act or regulation against ourselves, Freemen-on-the-Land Rich:Craig and Anthony:Xxxx, for exercising these lawful and properly established rights, freedoms and duties.

Service is received upon knocking upon this Door or entering the four corners beyond this threshold.

All contracts regarding lease or tenancy within this building are not affected by this Notice and all of the lease holder’s statutory rights remain unaffected for the duration of this period providing the usual methods of contact are met,

Without prejudice, malice or ill will.

Any and all agreements, contracts, claims made outside these four corners upon a person claimed to be within these four corners, are accordingly null and void as they are not applicable to human beings and only human beings and their property exist within the four corners of this property.

This Is a Common Law Jurisdiction; there are no Persons, children, slaves, employees, or agents beyond this threshold,

Access can only be gained to the property beyond this threshold by written invitation, signed by one of the undersigned parties only,

Failure to acknowledge this notice and abide by it is dishonour,

A warrant for a statutory offence is not recognised as a valid lawful reason to accept the entry of a uniformed peace officer without a lawfully obtained warrant for entry, statutes apply to people and anyone crossing this threshold states under full liability they are a human being by equitable remedy and lawful estoppel.


FIVE THOUSAND (£5000) POUNDS GBP or a portion thereof for unsolicited visits by those who claim limited liability,

ONE THOUSAND (£1000) POUNDS GBP or a portion thereof for an attempt to conduct business or contracts upon a person within the four corners beyond this threshold,

ONE THOUSAND (£1000) POUNDS GBP or a portion thereof for attempted defacement, concealment or removal of this notice or the paper upon which it is printed once mounted upon this threshold,

FIVE MILLION (£5,000,000) POUNDS GBP or a portion thereof for an attempt to act upon a human being within the four corners beyond this threshold,

FIVE MILLION (£5,000,000) POUNDS GBP or a portion thereof for identifying any humans within the four corners beyond this threshold as a person either upon or after fact,

FIFTY THOUSAND (£50,000) POUNDS GBP PER DAY if any personal property is being taken away from an occupant within the four corners beyond this threshold without express written and notarized consent,

FIFTY THOUSAND (£50,000) POUNDS GBP PER DAY AND 5 YEARS IN PRISON for attempt to gain access to the four corners beyond this threshold with or without force, if not in possession of a written invitation,

Place of Claim of Right:
Xxx [X] Xxxx Wharf, Nottingham, England
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Dated: 06th. August 2009

________________________________ _______________________________

By Rich:Craig By Anthony:Xxxx
Authorised 3rd party agent of Authorised 3rd party agent of
Lawful Property Holder Lawful Property Holder