The Path

"Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment; Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength"
Lao Tzu

"Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light but making the darkness conscious.”
Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, July 24, 2009

Being a Freeman In Employment

I'm currently acting on behalf of my person as an agency [Party A] worker on assignment within a high profile company [Party B].
Today at work somebody handed me a document, now this person is my coach in employment, and it stated a new procedure, followed by a Signature space and date, however it didn't state it was an internal document, had no insignia of either my agency or the company I was on assignment to on it, and therefore was simply transferring personal liability for his duties as a coach from him to me, and stating this procedure was subject to the disciplinary procedure of the corp I am on assignment at.

As I understand this is a common law transfer of liability statement given to me, I replied in kind buy giving him back a signed notice regarding the document I had received stating the following:

Notice regarding document titled [Document title] with No date given.

To XXX of the XXX family. Please be aware that the document you have given me does not identify to whom it is addressed, who sent it, what agency you are acting under, what the purpose of it is or which person it is addressed to. As this document is not addressed to anyone I can only assume this is either an attempt to contract with me on an unrelated business matter, or a request that I provide witness.

A document in this format is a statement, and me signing it would infer that those words appearing on it are mine, I do not wish to take your words as my own as I am perfectly capable of writing anything I wish to say out.

Without prejudice I do not wish to contract with you regarding this matter.

If you are wishing me to provide a signature regarding a contractual matter, or a matter relating to your role as [COACH] at [PARTY B] in regards to [MR RICHARD CRAIG] and his contract existing with [PARTY A] then I would recommend you rewrite what you have given me, with my [NAME] and [POSITION] along with the above details so I am fully aware of the implications of my signiture and can better understand to what I am agreeing/witnessing, as presently it is my understanding that the documents status as a piece of paper is a transfer of liability and I do not accept liability on any part.

As the document received does not state whose jurisdiction it falls under, legislative, commercial or otherwise I can only assume it falls under common law jurisdiction and I do not consent or acknowledge you having any common law authority over me.

I do not wish to discuss this matter with a third party, and reserve all rights and privileges. Failure to resolve the issues I have regarding this private matter, or reply in kind to this correspondence within (five) 5 days will be considered dishonour and will force me to consider this matter closed and ignore further correspondence by power of lawful estoppel with equitable remedy.


Rich of the Craig Family

I don't care about my job too much, Large companies work on transfer of liability, that's why the people at the top still get golden parachutes when they run a company into the ground, by transferring liability onto the people under them through common law contracts.

And when the GM of the department was made aware I had worked out what he was doing.....he could no longer look me in the eye. His minions running around like headless chickens, it's funny as hell.

*Additional* As a fellow freeman theorist at work noticed, neither of us dated what we were given. So my understanding is that that paper must be trying to communicate me and not the person who gave it to me, even better, more fun to be had with this soon.

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