The Path

"Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment; Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength"
Lao Tzu

"Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light but making the darkness conscious.”
Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, July 27, 2009

"a man will meet you carrying an earthen pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he goes in"

Sorry I've been so long in updating, I've been drafting my notice of intent and claim to right which I will be serving to the Home Office, The Prime-Minister, The Chief Constable of Nottingham Police, Elizibeth:Windsor and her Person known as "Elizabeth II, Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae, Hiberniae et terrarum transmarinarum quae in ditione sunt Britannica Regina, Fidei Defensor," and all derivitives thereof.

Alot of stuff has happened otherwise worth speaking of, the first being the birthday celebration of my dear friend Adrian:Kelly, AKA "AK". A fantastic evening spent in good company drinking and swimming in the beauty of the high night air 12 stories above nottingham's main ritualistic epicenter of the cult of Dionysus, which sits around a Masonic Lodge, if they can feed off the energies of the hedonistic cult of the sun god's more, "artistic" incarnation then so can we, and we did. We drank in the air and clear evening turned to crisp night, and after those still up for worshiping the sun went to dance me and AK retired to his place to enjoy a few more hours of drinking and listening to the sounds of artists who speak of truths and great revelry. A better ode to the kymatic and spiritual evolution we are both participating in could not be scripted by the most poetic wit upon this great land.

As he sheds his ego piece by piece, and I shed mine, as do the humans surrounding us. The power and happiness craved before was already ours. It shall will remain ours, providing we claim it and defend it. And once claimed in full knowledge of the claim then we just have to explore the freedom and possibilities of infinite growth it allows us to put into our lives and every life wish to touch.

I have come to applying to the 4 corners rule in my day to day life to truly understand the finer points of contract law, but I shall leave that for another day. Layers upon Layers of consciousness, constantly fractal.

My housemate has left for Rome for a few days, so I am truly within the house of Pisces for one last time, when he returns the big changes must begin, and the path to Aquarius must become me.

For my greatest work is just waking up, my self still swimming half in dream, half in consciousness, the big thrust is coming, and I must, in secure knowledge that the world is of no consequence within the mind of a consciously manifesting human being, rise into myself. The consciousness is shifting, the vibrations of Aquarius are starting to penetrate, can you feel it?

Unconditional Peace, Unconditional Love, and Unconditional Empathy,


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